Superbrain Yoga is a simple, 2-minute exercise which energizes your brain cells and improves brain function. It is based on an ancient exercise which is now practiced in a distorted form, as the original technique has been lost.
According to Master Choa Kok Sui, “The great Indian rishis have developed a technique to increase the intelligence of people based on the premise and principle of ear acupuncture; unfortunately, the proper technique on how to do this exercise has been distorted or lost.”
Master Choa Kok Sui extensively studied and experimented on this technique, to rediscover and share it in it’s original form.
Dr. Paul Nogier, a neurologist, spent 20 years from 1950 to about 1970 doing medical research, in which he discovered that the ear corresponds to an inverted foetus inside the womb. The ear lobe corresponds to the head.
The correspondence between the ears and the entire body has been known since ancient times by the spiritual teachers in India and China.
There have been several scientific studies on the effectiveness of Superbrain Yoga (you can read the research papers via
Below are some of the benefits which have been studied and observed over the years:
- It increases concentration and focus among children.
- Children tend to display an improvement in their emotional states.
- Improvement in memory and retention.
- It energizes the brain cells, hence enhancing intelligence levels.
- Improvement in overall academic performance of children.
- It helps in balancing the left and right hemispheres of the brain.
- It tends to relieve stress.
It is highly advisable for children to practice this daily for improving their concentration and intelligence. Adults can practice this to have a sharper mind, which will help them improve their performance at work. Older people can use this technique to slow down the ageing of the brain, hence preventing memory loss and senility, which is often a result of old age.
The proper technique is explained in Master Choa Kok Sui’s book, Superbrain Yoga. Superbrain Yoga has also been taught and practiced in many schools and colleges. You may contact us if you would like to organize a Superbrain Yoga program in your educational institute.