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Pranic Healing

Pranic Healing is a no-touch science and art of healing that utilizes prana or life energy to heal oneself and others. Prana is the life force which keeps the body alive and healthy.


Pranic Healing is a science which works on 2 fundamental laws or principles:

1) Law of Self-Recovery – In general, our physical body is capable of healing itself. You must have surely noticed that if you have a small cut or a simple cold or cough, your body tends to recover within a few days even if you do not take any medicine. This helps us acknowledge and recognize the self-healing capability of the body, which is often ignored.

2) Law of Life Energy – Though the body has the ability to heal itself, it needs life energy or prana to do so. The rate of healing can be increased by several times by increasing the life energy within the affected organ/part and the whole body. Prana is to the fuel for the body stay alive and healthy. 

Each person has an invisible, luminous energy field that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body, which is called the energy body or aura. The energy body and physical body are interconnected. Disease appears first on the energy body before it manifests itself on the physical body. Subsequently, when we heal the energy body, the physical body also follows.

Within the energy body are various energy centers which are called chakras, that control and energize the major and vital organs of the physical body. They are like power stations for the organs. If a chakra malfunctions, the corresponding organs will not receive the necessary prana and vitality, and will therefore, also tend to malfunction. Hence, treating the chakras are important for faster healing.


Pranic Healing, in it’s current form, was developed by Master Choa Kok Sui with the objective of alleviating the suffering of humanity and all living beings.

He aimed to provide holistic, practical and easy-to-practice techniques to address the 4 major global issues of Health, Wealth, Relationships and Spiritual Growth.

His vision was to have 1 Pranic Healer per family so that the people could learn to heal themselves and their loved ones, and lead a healthy, happy and wholesome life.


A 4-pronged approach is used to achieve this objective.

1. Workshops – Master Choa Kok Sui developed almost 20 different workshops, dealing with different aspects of life in order to empower people to enhance their quality of life. These workshops are typically in a 2-day format, which can be learnt by anyone above 16 years of age.

They are experiential in nature, where the participants not only learn the science of Pranic Healing, but are also encouraged to practice, experiment and validate the techniques for themselves, rather than accepting anything blindly.

Anybody with average intelligence and an open mind can learn Pranic Healing, irrespective of their educational, economic, cultural or religious backgrounds.

2. Healing Sessions – Those suffering from physical, emotional, psychological or financial problems, can receive healing sessions from Pranic Healing practitioners, in order to relieve and treat their issues. These healing sessions can also be done distantly, irrespective of the location and distance between the healer and receiver.

3. MeditationMeditation on Twin Hearts was introduced to the world by Master Choa Kok Sui in order to attain global peace, along with inner peace and well-being of the practitioners. It is an advanced meditation technique, which is easy to practice, irrespective of any prior experience of meditation. This meditation has been experienced by millions and has helped in transforming the lives of countless practitioners. It is truly a form of world service!

Other advanced meditations and spiritual practices are taught in Arhatic Yoga and other workshops.

4. Spiritual Teachings – Pranic Healing is a bridge to spiritual teachings like Arhatic Yoga and other higher teachings. Spiritual knowledge and techniques help in unlocking the hidden potential within us and enables us to have a greater perception and experience of life.

One can choose 1 or more of the above approaches, based on one’s needs and personal preference.


Master Choa Kok Sui was born on August 15, 1952 in the Philippines. He was a chemical engineer by qualification and a successful businessman by profession. He is widely known as the Founder of Modern Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga. He spent over 20 years in studying, researching, experimenting and developing techniques of energy healing. With a scientific and practical approach, he developed Pranic Healing into it’s modern form.

He was also a philanthropist, author and spiritual teacher, who dedicated his life in serving, teaching and healing people all over the world.

Pranic Healing is now actively practiced in over 120 countries.